It Came To Pass

In the book of Jeremiah in chapter forty-one, these four words, “It came to pass” are repeated in verses one, four, and thirteen. These words are used in connection with the timeframe. Whatever has to do with time has something to do with life.

Then, they are right who say, “Time heals old wounds.”  This is because as time passes, every wound becomes healed. That is natural.

What is your present predicament? What is the difficulty or life challenges that you are facing? I am happy to tell you that “It comes to pass.” This means that the purpose of every negative experience you are having is that it has come to pass away, and it will pass away. It is only waiting for its expiry date because it has one.

A journey through the Holy Bible shows that every problem has come to pass away. The age of a problem is not a barrier to its passing away. Two examples will suffice here:

*A man who became lame from his mother’s womb experienced the expiry date of his lameness after many years. His lameness came to pass.

*A man who became blind on the day he was born became free from his blindness on the day the problem expired. His blindness came to pass.

How old is your problem? It only came to pass and it shall pass away; it is already passing away at the passing of each day. It is approaching its expiry date which is around the corner. The only “problem” that you have is that you don’t know the day it will pass away. You can solve this with your faith in the Lord your God and patiently wait for Him to roll away the sorrow. He will surely do.

Therefore, Beloved Pilgrim, begin to celebrate your victory because it is guaranteed. Your problem(s) came to pass and it will surely do. Begin to praise God for the end of your difficulty has come. You will look for it, and you will not find it, because the Lord has done it. Congratulations. The Lord is coming soon, prepare to meet Him.

Scripture references: Jeremiah 41: 1,4,13; Acts 3, John 9

About 4thlink

I am a full time Minister of God based in Nigeria,West Africa. I am an accountant turned preacher with grace to utter a word of comfort for every person that needs it. I have special interest creating a happy home because I hate divorce as God does.I've been used of God to heal broken homes & hearts. My hobbies include,reading,writing,photography & listening to good christian music.
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